Privacy Policy

Note: Last updated on March 18, 2023.

Chill : Relax & Sleep is committed to protecting user privacy and ensuring compliance with privacy best practices and applicable laws. This Privacy Policy outlines how,(referred to as “Chill”, “Fayhe” or “we”) collects, uses, and discloses information about you when you access our websites, mobile applications, and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”), as well as when you contact our customer service, communicate with us on social media, or interact with us in any other way.

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will keep you informed of any changes by updating the date at the top of the Policy and may, in some cases, provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement on the homepage of our website or sending a notification). We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy each time you access the Services or interact with us to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you.

Data collection


  1. Our app implements Firebase Analytics without IDFA (Identifier for advertisers) to track metrics like the number of active users, sessions, and screen views, as well as device-related data such as the user’s device type and operating system version.
  2. The data collected by Firebase Analytics helps us to better understand how users are interacting with our app and make improvements to its functionality and user experience.
  3. In the event of a crash or error, we use Crashlytics to collect diagnostic information that includes details about the user’s device, app version, and the specific error that occurred.
  4. Rest assured that we do not have access to any personally identifiable information about our users, and we do not collect or share such information.
  5. By using our app, you consent to the collection and use of your data by Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics as described in their privacy policies, which can be found at and respectively.
  6. You can disable analytics and crashlytics in the settings.


  • We use AdMob to serve advertisements within our app.
  • You can choose during the onboarding process if you accept to be tracked or no, by sharing your IDFA.
  • AdMob collects certain information about users who view or interact with these ads, such as their device type, IP address, and location data (if enabled).
  • AdMob may use cookies or other tracking technologies to serve targeted ads based on users’ interests and behaviors.
  • We do not have access to, nor do we collect or share any personally identifiable information about users who view or interact with ads served by AdMob.
  • By using our app, you consent to the collection and use of your data by AdMob as described in their privacy policy, which can be found at
  • You can decide to disable ad tracking in the settings of you device, ads will still pop-up but will not track you using your IDFA.

Chill account

As an user, you can create an optional account to get more benefits of the app : invite friends with a referral code and get bonus. In the future, you will be able to store your Habits data to retrieve them on another phone. By creating an account, your email address is stored in Firebase and is linked to a unique ID and a referral code.

✓ Your email address is stored in a secured account, your password is encrypted and nobody has it’s access

✓ If you didn’t choose the option, we will not send you newsletters about the app

✓ We do not sell your data and we do not share them.

Other data we collect

Transaction information : When you make a purchase or a return, we collect information about the transaction, such as the product description, price, expiration date of the subscription or free trial, as well as the time and date of the transaction.

Log information : When you use our Services, we collect standard log files that include the type of web browser you are using, the application version, access times and dates, pages viewed, your IP address, and the page you viewed before arriving on our websites.

Device information : We collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Services, including hardware model, operating system and version, device identifiers set by your device’s operating system, and mobile network information (such as your connection type, carrier, and region).

The above information is collected solely for the purpose of improving our Services and providing you with a better user experience. We do not collect any personally identifiable information, and we do not share or sell this information to any third parties.

Data we do not collect

For the purposes of transparency, please find below a comprehensive list of permissions that we request in order to use the app. Note that we do not collect any data related to these permissions.


We use HealthKit framework, provided by apple, to store data related to your meditation sessions in your device (Health app). We may also in the future request the data to track your progress over time. In this case, we will only access this data with your explicit consent, which can be granted or revoked at any time through the app settings.


In addition, the app may use your device’s microphone to monitor your sleep and provide you with detailed sleep analysis and snore tracking. The use of the microphone is explicit and there is no hidden record. The audio data is processed locally on your device and is not stored or shared with any third parties.


We also use CloudKit to securely store and synchronize your app data across your devices. This includes your habits, progress, and any other information in the future. CloudKit uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that your data is protected both in transit and at rest.

Your CloudKit data is stored in a private database that is accessible only by you and the app. We do not have access to your data, and we do not share or sell it to any third parties.

Data Retention and Deletion

We retain the collected data for a period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. Upon request, we will delete your personal data from our systems, subject to any legal obligations we may have to retain certain data.

To request deletion of your data, you can contact us at [email protected]. If you have created an account, you may also delete your account within the app.

Withdraw Consent

Our app provides an easily accessible and understandable way for users to withdraw consent for data collection. You can withdraw your consent at any time through the app settings.

This privacy policy is effective as of 2023-03-09. It may change at anytime. Fayhe, located in Lyon, France, may update it at anytime. In this case, we will let you know.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].